Mary Poppins, Jr. graced the stage at the Lower School this week! Our fifth-grade actors and singers brought home this classic story.
Songs, including “A Spoon Full of Sugar” and “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,” brought down the house in both Benigna Auditorium and the Dyer Auditorium at the Upper School. Director Mrs. Gerber and Assistants Mrs. Emig and Srta. Medina were delighted with the efforts talents of all the students.
A new main attraction is this year’s musical was the set. Mr. Elstein’s after school class “Sets and Props” created 12-inch by 18-inch 2-dimensional works of art. Working collaboratively, students chose various medium, then photographed and projected their sets behind the stage. Three of the sets were even animated! Thanks to the vision of Mrs. Polefka and the generosity of Moravian community members, this new screen and projector will impress audience members and support the magic on our stage for years to come. Props were also created by this after school class including the fancy cake, chimney sweep brushes, handbags, kites and advertisements for Mary Poppins.
A round of applause for all of our Lower School Players! What a fantastic show!