Students at the Swain, Downtown, and Merle-Smith Campus learned about and celebrated Día de los Muertos during the holiday on November 1 - November 2, 2022.
At the Downtown Campus...
Ms. Katie MacMillan shared:
At the Swain Campus...
Spanish teacher Johanna Ordonez taught students about Day of the Dead. She said, "We are learning that Day of the Dead is a joyful time that helps people remember the deceased and celebrate their memory. My students are making pictures to put on the altar as an ofrenda for Frida Khalo."
At the Merle-Smith Campus...
Profe Gonzalo del Real's students made individual ofrendas that they presented to their class. Then, they displayed one large ofrenda outside of the Main Office for the entire campus to see. The ofrenda was so impressive, that it even caught the attention of the American Association for Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. Photos were published to the AATSP Facebook group, and later this month, Profe del Real will take over AATSP social media to share the activities happening in his class.