Comenius Corner - Moravian Academy

Virtual Auction Gatherings

Written by Jessica McPherson | Mar 30, 2020 12:27:11 PM

The Online Virtual Auction is a great way for us to connect as a community.

You are invited to join one or all of our Zoom gatherings we'll be hosting on Saturday, April 4th from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.  Simply click on the group you'd like to chat with.  

Stop in for five minutes or two hours - it's your call!  Our Auction Chairs will be party hopping from gathering to gathering. Instructions for how to use Zoom can be seen in the video below:

Be sure to snap a photo of you and your family in your MA spirit wear, planned Auction attire, or simply bidding anytime the weekend of the Virtual Auction and send to Jess McPherson to be posted on MA's social media - #VirtuallyMA.  For more information about the Virtual Auction, go to