Comenius Corner - Moravian Academy

MA Has Best Day Of Giving Ever

Written by Susan Parent | Dec 10, 2020 3:14:15 PM

Attempting 400 gifts in a 29-hour period seemed impossible, but our community came together and did it. Every gift was an expression of gratitude for our amazing community.

The results are in plain sight. There were 410 gifts from 392 unique donors, for a total of over $93,600 raised.  This has never been accomplished before in a single giving day at Moravian Academy. The average gift? Over $200. That's gratitude for teachers, present and past (40% alumni participation) who make a difference.

Thank you to the faculty, staff, alumni, friends, parents, and friends who supported the #GivingTuesday1742Minutes campaign this year. Your support only amplifies your commitment to our school and the students we serve.