Comenius Corner - Moravian Academy

Middle School Advisory: A New Approach

Written by Laura Riker | Oct 2, 2019 1:49:18 PM

The first month has been a busy time for advisory groups at the Middle School. Advisory is a “home” for students, where they can feel supported both by peers and a faculty advocate. One month into the new school year, advisory personalities and connections have definitely begun to form.

Advisories have the opportunity to be together most mornings to start the day. We also have Community Period on Mondays for more extended conversations and activities. So far, we have been busy getting things started. You may have noticed at Parents’ Night that advisory identities and pride are now on display in the flags hanging in the cafetorium. We also had a “Can We Talk?” session discussing the topic of sleep. Trying out greetings, equally sharing during a discussion, and playing new games have been learning opportunities for us all.

The morning routine and our extended community block time together are infused with Developmental Designs (DD) principles, and both advisors and students are getting acclimated to this new approach to our time together. We begin in a circle and greet one another, move on to the pledge and announcements (which we refer to as The Daily), then have a moment of sharing, an activity, or a game. As we become increasingly comfortable with a wide array of potential activities, advisors will encourage more and more student ownership over these activities. Overall, our DD circles remind students that they are an important part of advisory as well as the larger school community.

The foundation that has formed thus far will help carry our students through important conversations, Student-Led Conferences, and all the challenges and triumphs of the school year in and beyond the classroom.