Every spring, Moravian Academy traditionally hosts the Red and Gold Dance Recital. The purpose of the Red and Gold Recital Series is to provide serious performing artists at Moravian Academy with an opportunity to present their work for an appreciative and supportive audience comprised of their family, friends, and peers.
Because this year's dance recital could not be held in front of a live audience in Dyer Auditorium, we decided to bring this year's recital to you through a video montage of some our student dancers including Neha Skandan '21, Will Bakos '22, Diana Lopez '22, Grace Caballes '22, Logan Maeding '21, and Sophia Mangino '22.
Many students at Moravian study dance in one form or another and this year's virtual recital is just a subset of those artists and their work. To all of you who have helped in some way to encourage or guide a young dancer, including those featured in this year's virtual rectial, we say “thank you.”
We invite you to watch the virtual recital below. The password to view the video is ‘dance.'