Comenius Corner - Moravian Academy

Swain & Downtown Students Take Top Honors at the 2022 Regional Finals for the National History, Geography, and Science Bee

Written by Amanda Kulakowski | Apr 22, 2022 2:39:22 PM

After competing in the 2022 Regional Finals for the National History Bee, International Geography Bee, and National Science Bee, students from both the Swain and Downtown Campuses qualified for the 2022 IAC National Championships, Elementary & Middle School Divisions.

These Jeopardy-style competitions, with quick tossup questions, test the participants' knowledge in humanities, history, science, and geography.  Students compete head to head, and the top three finishers advance to the national finals in Orlando, FL!

Congratulations to all our student competitors and good luck at the National Competition! 

History Bee Results:

Eighth Grade Competition:


  • Southern PA Champion: Swain Campus, Tyler Shankweiler '26 
  • Central NJ Second Place: Downtown Campus, Nathaniel Schmidt '26
  • Southern PA Second Place: Downtown Campus, Ambrose Cole '26
  • Southern PA Third Place: Downtown Campus, Nikhil Skandan '26


*all three students have qualified for the Nation History Bee Competition.


Geography Bee Results:

Eighth Grade Competition:


  • Southern PA Champion: Downtown Campus, Ambrose Cole '26
  • Central NJ Champion: Downtown Campus, Nathaniel Schmidt '26
  • Southern PA Second Place: Downtown Campus, Nikhil Skandan '26


Sixth Grade Competition:


  • Southern PA Champion: Downtown Campus, Marlon Maignan '28
  • Southern PA Second Place: Downtown Campus, Matthew Maignon '28


*all four students have qualified for the Nation History Bee Competition.


Science Bee Results:

Eighth Grade Competition:


  • Southern PA Champion: Swain Campus, Tyler Shankweiler '26 
  • Southern PA Second Place: Downtown Campus, Ambrose Cole '26
  • Southern PA Third  Place: Downtown Campus, Nikhil Skandan '26


*all three students have qualified for the Nation History Bee Competition.