Comenius Corner - Moravian Academy

Swain School Campus Celebrates PRIDE

Written by Veronica Bocian | Jun 30, 2021 9:13:09 PM

Every June, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month is celebrated to honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan.

This year, we wanted to offer as many resources and examples of support as possible for our students and community members who belong in the LGBTQIA community as well as to those striving to be the best ally they can be. 

Throughout the month of June, Dr. Armistead Webster decided to fly the Pride Flag on Swain's campus. In his words, "Our display of the flag is an affirmation of the values we share and our support of all LGBTQ children and adults in the Swain community. We show that support in classrooms and throughout Swain every day and this is one more way to affirm the love we have for every child and adult in our Swain community."

In addition, we shared resources with our families on social media and within our weekly newsletters with information on how to celebrate and support PRIDE within their own household.

Finally, to wrap up the month-long celebration, we welcomed Justice Davis, a Queer, Black, motivational speaker as a guest on our Let's Talk series. Justice spoke to families on how we can continue to protect and respect our students within the LGBTQIA community. We loved hearing from Justice and learning from her story. 

As PRIDE Month 2021 officially comes to an end, we know the work has just begun, and we look forward to upholding an inclusive community all year long.