Comenius Corner - Moravian Academy

Tasting Foods from Around the World in Gastronomy Club

Written by Marc Yerrington | Mar 3, 2023 8:49:40 PM

Over the last six weeks in Gastronomy club after school, students prepared some dishes from some of their favorite cuisines.

Some standouts include Mexican pozole, Indian samosas with homemade chutney and Chinese scallion pancakes. They learned about different cooking styles: steaming, pan frying, deep frying, etc. They learned techniques and safety tips for food prep, like cutting correctly with a knife, straining pulpy sauces, blending herbs, to name a few.

Equally important, they learned about appreciating foods from different parts of the world. For some, they discovered cilantro was not a flavor they liked, others added cumin to their vocabulary and almost everyone had to learn what hominy was before making pozole. What great fun for a foodie bunch! 

Gastronomy Club is one of many programs offered as part of After School Explorations