Comenius Corner - Moravian Academy

The Pizza Hotel in Pre-K Math

Written by Heather Manning | Mar 18, 2022 2:57:16 PM

In Prekindergarten, one of our Singapore Math units is all about 3-dimensional shapes. To build upon what we learned in this unit, we collected all sorts of items that we intended to use to build a giant 3-dimensional structure.

Before we started, we brainstormed what type of structure we wanted to create. Some of the ideas were a castle, a house, a hotel, and a space station. We voted and used tally marks to keep track of each vote. The hotel won by a landslide.

We decided that the next step would be to name our hotel. On the list were The Pre-K Palace, The Cat Hotel, The Dog Hotel, The Fest Place, and The Pizza Hotel. Again we voted, tallied, and determined that The Pizza Hotel had the most votes. After painting our objects, we built and glued our hotel together. We used cubes, rectangular blocks, cylinders, spheres, and cones. We used a tape measure to find out how tall our hotel is and determined that it is 7 feet, 3 inches tall! 

When asked why we built The Pizza Hotel in the first place, Zayd Javid '35 said "because we're learning about 3D shapes in math."

Lainey French '35 added, "And I used 2D shapes to make the window for the hotel." 

Molly Stockhausen '35 said that her favorite part of making The Pizza Hotel was painting and decorating it.