Comenius Corner - Moravian Academy

Swain Third Grade Wax Museum

Written by Sarah Locke & Cassie Mon | May 27, 2022 4:02:17 PM

Third grade celebrated the end of their famous Pennsylvanians research project by opening their Wax Museum to members of our Swain community!

The wax museum research project has been a long standing tradition for student in third grade.  This project is a culmination of cross-curricular units in social studies, non-fiction reading, public speaking, art, and theater.  

Students start out by reading non-fiction novels on a famous Pennsylvanian of their choice and taking notes on biographical information. After creating their research presentation, students choose costumes, props, and work on their public speaking skills.  

During the Wax Museum, third grade students rotate between three different poses and presenting their research projects to fellow students, staff members, and visiting family. 

For more pictures of the wax museum, please click HERE.

Special thank you to the following faculty and staff members for helping our third-graders complete and perfect their projects. 

  • Mrs. McClary for using library time to assist students in selecting their non-fiction novels.
  • Mr. Sauers for offering lessons on drawing portraits of their famous Pennsylvanians.
  • Miss. Pistone for working with the students on posing and speaking clearly. 
  • Mr. Gabe and Mr. Dean for making all thirty platforms that each student stood on, and for their work setting up and breaking down the wax museum performance and presentation area. 
  • Mr. Reger for providing music and technical support!