Comenius Corner - Moravian Academy

Gratitude and Reflection from the Head of School

Written by Adrianne Finley Odell | May 31, 2023 5:04:47 PM

Another school year is almost in the history books for us at Moravian Academy. 

Beginnings and endings are always great opportunities for reflection.  We reflect on how much we learned in the year, all that we experienced, how we grew, friendships gained, communities transformed.  Each member of our community has contributed something to who we are and what our experience has been.  A recent New York Times article offers 10 Ideas for Reflecting at the End of the School Year and provides some great ideas to consider.  Taking time for gratitude and reflection helps provide perspective and meaning, so I would like to offer my own for your consideration.

We began this school year with great hope.  It was the first year since 2019 that we began the year in a mostly normal way.  No mandatory pandemic restrictions.  Cherished events and traditions back on our calendar. Opportunities to build and rebuild relationships and strengthen community.  It was during the many interactions I had with members of the community that I learned what made our school so special, and drove my desire to join you beyond an interim role. I am grateful for the warm welcome and the trust that was extended to me and the opportunity to contribute to the next chapter of our school.  

I am grateful for the members of our faculty and staff who partner with me to create an incredible learning environment for our students each day.  It is a privilege to work alongside such committed individuals who have dedicated their lives to the education of young people.  Parents and families have also been an important part of our successful school year! Leaders of the Family Association were some of the first parents I met last fall. They have rallied families across all three campuses to help us plan all kinds of events and activities for fun and fundraising to support our mission.  Every time I turned around, I saw parents who selflessly gave their time, talent, and treasure to contribute to our community.  

As a new member of this community, I am so very grateful to everyone who has made a difference this year, in ways both big and small.  Each contribution has left an imprint on us and informed our future. Over the summer, we will be finalizing our new one-school, three-campus branding and our strategic plan, both of which have been informed by your thoughtful input.  When we come back together in the fall, we’ll have much to share and much to look forward to. 

In the meantime, we send off with pride the newest members of our Alumni Associationthe Class of 2023who will celebrate their Commencement on Saturday.  Sixty-seven extraordinary young people who have made the most of their Moravian Academy experience and will soon be making their own unique contributions to the world.

With gratitude for your partnership in the education of young people,

Adrianne Finley Odell
Head of School