A school, in fact any organization, is stronger when the community is aligned behind the values that it espouses. It is even more powerful when there is agreement behind the goals we have for our students.
Over the past year, many individuals throughout our community have participated in discussions or provided feedback in surveys to help us define Moravian Academy’s Core Values and our Portrait of a Graduate.
Core Values are the deeply ingrained principles that guide all of our actions and serve as the foundational place from which we make decisions and live together as members of the community. When an individual’s actions are not aligned with the core values, they provide a roadmap for conversations about how we live together and treat each other.
Our school’s Portrait of a Graduate represents our aspirations for all students. It highlights the skills and habits of mind that we believe are crucial for success in a rapidly changing and complex world. While mastering all of these skills is a lofty goal, we believe that striving, failing, and recommitting to them is an essential component of personal growth. The recognition that each of us is a work in progress opens pathways to grace, love, and belonging at school and in our greater humanity.
I am pleased to share today that our work is now complete and the school’s Core Values and Portrait of a Graduate were recently approved by our Board of Trustees. In the weeks ahead, we will share more about these in greater detail, including how they will be infused throughout our curriculum and programs. The graphic below provides a beautiful visual representation of these two foundational guideposts for our school, and you can read more about them on our website.
I would like to thank everyone who played a role in developing these important standards for our school, in particular our faculty across three campuses as well as our Senior Leadership and Educational Leadership teams. Their contributions will leave a lasting impact on generations of students to come.