Our Beans Are Now Your Beans

June 11, 2023

One day, my teacher, Miss Kuehner, told us that we would be growing green beans.

She said we would donate them to the food pantry. We were all very excited. She asked us to bring in milk jugs to be pots. On February 10th, the Spanish class and our class planted the seeds one inch deep. We had to water our beans every day. On weekends or over breaks, the janitor watered them for us.

A couple of weeks later, our beans sprouted. Since then, our beans kept growing bigger and stronger. But after spring break, they looked weak and turned yellow. We thought that they might not survive! Thankfully, all of them lived, and most of them grew green beans by the end of April.

Unfortunately, my plant was one of those that didn’t produce any green beans. At first, I was disappointed. But then, one of my classmates, Levi, let me harvest one of his. Miss Kuehner told us that, to take off a bean, you had to pinch the stem. The beans were so cute! They were green, skinny, and about as long as my index finger. My friend, Mila, tasted a little one. She said it was very sweet!

At Chapel, on May 3, we donated the beans to the food pantry. We made a card to go with the donation. On the front of the card, it said: “Our Beans Are Now Your Beans.” One of our classmates in the Spanish class named Yago presented the beans, and I presented the card in the front of the room where everyone put their donations. Some people at the Chapel helped us deliver the beans to the food pantry.

We are glad that the beans we grew will go to feed our community. We hope that whoever gets the beans will like them!


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