MA Second Grade Walking Tour Explores Downtown Bethlehem

December 16, 2022

We were thrilled to have the second graders from the Swain Campus visit our Downtown Campus! Our theme for the day was Our Community which allowed us to take a walking tour of our campus and explore our surroundings.

page-4-drawing-1The students worked together to pinpoint specific locations such as the Moravian Museum, City Hall, Central Moravian Church, and more. Another stop on our tour was the Bethlehem Area Public Library. There, the librarian continued our learning by reading a story to us about how communities work together to make positive changes. We shared a delicious lunch with our buddies and wrapped up our visit with a trip to the Bethlehem City Christmas Tree. Last but not least, we had time to play at the interactive playground. We’ve loved getting to spend time with our pen-pals and we can’t wait until we see our 2nd grade friends again.

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