Welcome our newest employees and see who has taken on a new role at our school.
Join us in welcoming the following faculty and staff members to the Downtown, Swain, and Merle-Smith Campuses:
Torsie Judkins Director of Enrollment Management All School
Dawn Brews Assistant Director Downtown Campus
Jackie Andreychak Third Grade Downtown Campus
María Bernabeu Fernández Kindergarten - Spanish Immersion Progam Downtown Campus
Morgan DeTura Coordinator of Learning Services Downtown Campus
Tarik Haddad Seventh Grade Science Downtown Campus
Pam Kremer Administrative Assistant Downtown Campus
Chengpen Gu Mandarin Downtown Campus
Emily Hulme Middle School Latin Downtown Campus
Ben Reiter Technology Assistant Downtown Campus
Thomas Macdonald Woodworking Merle-Smith Campus
Rodney Weems Math Merle-Smith Campus
Bria Judkins Middle School Math Swain School Campus
Jake Waylen Seventh Grade Humanities Swain School Campus
Tara Warnke Sixth Grade Humanities Swain School Campus
Johanna Ordonez Spanish Swain School Campus
Darah Donaher Drama & Theatre Swain School Campus
Helene Perrucci-Kinsman School Counselor Swain School Campus
Amy Bolger-Santucci Kindergarten Collaborative Swain School Campus
Some familiar faces in our community have taken on new roles within our school.
Downtown Campus
- Emily Anglund is joining Amy Bowser as a teacher in English kindergarten.
- George Andriko will continue to teach 5th-grade math and will also now serve as the Middle School Coordinator.
- Matt Keretz will be the 5th-grade homeroom teacher.
- Katie MacMillan is now the Middle School Spanish teacher.
- Marc Yerrington now serves as the Post-SIP Coordinator.
Merle-Smith Campus
- Kathryn Barnhardt now serves as the Learning Specialist.