Pajama Day at the Downtown Campus

Friday, January 22, will be a Downtown Campus pajama non-uniform day!

All students, Primer through Eighth Grade, are welcome to come to school in pajamas or other regular dress-down clothing. As a reminder, all non-uniform clothing should be appropriate for school and adhere to our dress code.

Additional guidelines are listed below:

  • Footie Pajamas are okay, but closed-toes shoes must be worn.  
  • Must have top and bottom, no pajama dresses.
  • Loose sweats and t-shirt type shirts are okay.
  • All pajamas should be seasonally appropriate and students should be prepared for the weather.
  • There may NOT be any writing on the rear-end of the pants.
  • Appropriate words down the leg okay  - (school or sports team or brand names are okay)
  • Logos must be appropriate.
  • Tops must have sleeves; you may not wear a tank-top style top.
  • Sneakers and comfortable shoes are okay  - must have toes and heels covered. No slippers.


What we're curious about



