2020-21 Dining Options

August 21, 2020

This year, students will eat lunch in their classrooms. They will have the option of bringing lunch from home or receiving a school lunch. School lunches will include a protein or a vegetarian entrée, a side, a vegetable, and a dessert. Individual drinks will be provided, and hands-free water bottle filling stations will also be available throughout campus. Students are encouraged to bring a labeled water bottle from home. 

The first two weeks of school:

From August 26 – September 3, daily pre-packaged lunches will be available to all. Students may choose to bring their lunch from home, but lunches should adhere to the safety and allergy guidelines provided by the School. 

Lunch Menus

Beginning September 7:

Those families who wish to participate in the Lunch Service may elect week-by-week whether to participate. 

  • Each Friday’s newsletter will include a menu and order form. 
  • Forms must be completed by the following Wednesday for lunch service the next week.
  • You may opt out of lunch on a weekly basis using this form.
  • Parents may complete the lunch survey for students in grades 1 – 8. 
  • Upper School students may complete the lunch surveys for themselves.  
  • If no entrée selection is made, the default choice will be the protein.

Those families who do not wish to participate in the lunch service may send an email to lunch@mamail.net by September 11 to completely opt out of the lunch service. They will not be billed for any meals taken prior to September 11.

Those families who are not sure yet may use the dining service week to week by selecting their option, or declining lunch service, through the weekly order form.

We know a healthy lunch break is important for all students. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions at lunch@mamail.net.


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