5th Grade Presents Vignette Play 'Bungee Jump Bear Trap'

November 18, 2023

On Friday, November 17 and Saturday, November 18, 5th-grade students on the Swain Campus performed the vignette play Bungee Jump Bear Trap. 

IMG_2228IMG_2154 (1)A vignette play is a collection of short scenes that connect to an overarching theme, rather than linear storytelling. With this play, which was written by Lindsay Price, we explored the theme of risk and what it means to be reasonably safe. In it, our play asks dramatic questions such as "Can you be too safe?" and "Is there such a thing as a good risk?"

The production is the result of a cumulativeUntitled design (44) performance project that was part of the 5th-grade class's Drama curriculum this trimester. The production was Stage-managed by Bayan Chihi '31 and the Production Assistant was Preston Edwards '30. Stage artwork was created by middle school students Elise Koprowski '29 and Ryan Doherty '29. Special thank you to Mr.Joe Reger and Mr.Adrian Sauers for their contributions to the sound and scenic elements. 


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