Kathryn Carolan '28 Serves as Lower School Director for the Day

December 05, 2019

Thanks to her parents' winning bid at last year's Auction, Kathryn Carolan '28 served as the Lower School Director for the day on December 4th.

Kathryn greeted students in the morning, joined a first grade Community Circle, read to students in Pre-Kindergarten, read the Birthday Prayer in chapel, and appeared on MABC. Perhaps her most important task of the day, she also attended a meeting with Head of School Jeff Zemsky and the architects who are working on the "Reimagining the Schoolhouse" project, which will result in the redesign of the learning area on the second floor of the CE Building in fall 2020.

Ms. Carolan’s declaration of a non-uniform day for Friday, December 6th was received with much enthusiasm. Great job, Kathryn!

Does this sound like an experience your Lower School student would enjoy? Bid on a "Director for the Day" item on your child's behalf at our 2020 Moravian Academy Auction.


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