Post-SIP Explores Diverse Perspectives Through Flash Fiction, Figurative Language

Fifth Graders from the post-Spanish Immersion humanities class began celebrating the culmination of their study of vignettes, similes, and metaphors on Friday, February 18, 2021.

They read excerpts in Spanish from Paul Fleischman's "Semillas/ Seedfolks," learning about a diverse immigrant community who lives near a vacant lot and comes together to start a community garden. After exploring the first person narratives of flash fiction, they wrote their own vignettes in the style of "Semillas" in Spanish, tasked with imitating the unique perspective as well as connecting to the neighbors in Cleveland, Ohio, and demonstrating understanding of metaphor and simile through examples in their work.

Not to be deterred by a virtual learning day for the beginning of the culmination, students Rylee D. '28, Mia D. '28, and Ava C. '28 led the reader's theater, assigning the characters in their vignettes to their classmates, who acted out their drama on Zoom, demonstrating comprehension, and having a lot of fun!

We will wrap up the culmination and reader's theater, hopefully, in class this week, but no matter the mode, learning and fun continues!


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