Downtown Campus Preschool Blasts into Space

After a restful break, Preschool is “blasting off to space!”  

page-1-drawing-Jan-13-2023-07-44-37-3322-PM-1page-1-drawing-Jan-13-2023-07-44-18-0219-PMThe students are learning about the Earth, planets, moon, sun, and stars. We are practicing our gluing and cutting skills to make rocket ships, having  fun squishing paint to make the sun, and making the constellation, The Big Dipper, with sticky stars.  During science class, we are learning about gravity using a cardboard tube pom-pom drop course.  We will be reciting our poem “We’re Flying Off to Space” and will take a video for all of our families to view on Seesaw!

page-1-drawing-Jan-13-2023-07-44-29-5281-PMNext month, we will be busy practicing  our sorting and sequencing skills, beginning our alphabet, and learning about Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. There will be a visit from Cupid who will fly across the room to learn about Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion, use a safe kitchen solution to clean pennies and quarters, and make hearts dance with static electricity in science class!

There will be more exciting activities and crafts when we return from spring break!


What we're curious about



