Middle School Faculty Spotlight: Mr. Nicholas Lucas

October 02, 2019

Nick Lucas has been teaching in the Social Studies Department at Moravian Academy for seven years, including serving as a sixth-grade teacher for five years and a seventh-grade teacher since 2018. In addition to teaching, Mr. Lucas also serves as the seventh-grade dean, teaches an elective on Bethlehem history, coordinates the Social Studies Department, and is a seventh-grade advisor. 

Let's get to know Mr. Lucas...

Why did you choose education/teaching as your profession? 

I had an educational epiphany while I was stationed at Kadena Airbase in Okinawa, Japan in the summer of 1986. I was an Intelligence Specialist and was doing volunteer work for DODea Kadena High School. Our entire aviation unit donned our formal uniforms and provided a hands-on tour of one of our P-3 Orion planes for a group of high school students. These students had intellectual and physical challenges due to Down’s Syndrome. It was a great experience watching these students as they got to sit in the cockpit, at the radar and sensor stations wearing the headphones, and to view all the electronics and switches. They were smiling, laughing, and talking excitedly. That motivated me to start taking night classes with the University of Maryland Asian Division, Okinawa in pursuit of an education degree. 

Why middle school? 

The middle school environment always has a very energetic vibe. Every day is different and middlers need consistent and nurturing guidance to navigate the challenges of growing socially and emotionally. Being a positive role model and mentor is a responsibility that I really enjoy and one that I never underestimate the importance of. 

What aspect of your curriculum/program do you enjoy teaching the most and why?

I enjoy teaching about the perspectives of famous people; why and what these people thought and what actions they took that were important for their time. This focus generates a lot of discussion as students grapple with actions and thoughts that are can be contrary to contemporary society.  

What is your favorite moment/event at Moravian Academy during the school year? 

Red & Gold Games

What do you hope to provide to students in your classes and what do you hope they take away?

The importance of Courtesy, Dignity, and Respect in forging a class and school community. I hope that they take away as a result that Character does matter every single day; integrity, kindness, compassion, persistence, and courage.

What Moravian Academy tradition do you enjoy most?

I enjoy Lovefeasts. It a unique identifier of our connection to the historic Moravian Community and Bethlehem. It allows all of us to share time together that is not an academic setting. 

What’s the biggest lesson you have learned from your students?

They love being acknowledged as individuals with varied interests and capabilities and to be treated with Courtesy, Dignity, and Respect. 

What's something we don’t know about you?

I have volunteered and traveled to the North Pole and Thule Airbase, Greenland. I was selected to participate in an extensive Arctic air & sea military exercise called ICEX 1-1989. It was a great opportunity to work with many U.S. based P-3 squadrons alongside NATO air squadrons from Germany, Canada, the U.K., Denmark, and the Netherlands. 


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