Chloee Dahl '26 Donates 75 Books to Support Pediatric Cancer Research

October 02, 2019

Sixth-grader Chloee Dahl '26 was featured in the following article on Penn State Lehigh Valley's website for generously donating 75 books to a book drive recently held by Penn State Lehigh Valley to support children with cancer. Way to go, Chloee!

When Chloee Dahl '26 was cleaning out her bedroom recently, she learned about a book drive Penn State Lehigh Valley benefiting THON was holding in support of children with cancer and decided to donate 75 of her books to the cause.

“It was painful to part with some of my favorite books, but it made me feel proud of myself actually,” said Dahl, an 11-year-old sixth-grader from Moravian Academy.

Dahl is an avid reader who often reads before bedtime and sometimes stays up late to finish a good book.

“At night, I fall asleep while reading with my light on a lot and it frustrates my dad,” Dahl said with a laugh.

Donating books from her personal collection taught Dahl about the benefits of philanthropy.

“This inspired me and I learned that if I donate, I’ll feel good about myself,” Dahl said. “I have to learn about how to part with my things.”

Dahl’s donation will go a long way for two Penn State Lehigh Valley Benefiting THON efforts.

“The Reading Rocks book drive that we collect for each year is a special program to THON. Mr. Howard Kulp is always generous in donating $1 for each book we collect, and we are so grateful for this donation from Chloee to our total,” said Mary Williams, THON chair and a 2018 THON dancer. “It is amazing that such a young girl can have the perspective to donate so many of her own books to a cause that is so much bigger than all of us and so very important.”

The St. Luke's Reading Rocks Program is supported by a book drive held by Penn State Lehigh Valley Benefiting THON. Howard Kulp, a longtime donor and past PSU-LV Advisory Board chair, then donates one dollar per book collected to THON in order to support kids fighting cancer and to motivate everyone to collect books for kids who benefit from the Reading Rocks program. Kulp has donated $18,500 total in the last 8 years.

A portion of Dahl’s donation also went toward Penn State Lehigh Valley Benefiting THON’s used book sale, which was held Sept. 21 on campus. The book sale benefits children with cancer.

When asked what Dahl would say to other kids her age who are contemplating donating something of theirs to a cause, she gave great insight.

“I would say just donate it! If you aren’t using it, donate it. In the end, you’ll feel really good about yourself!” Dahl said.

This article also appeared in the 2019 Moravian Academy Fall Journal.


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