Parenting and Social Media: What Can I Do?

August 23, 2019

Parents play an important role in educating their child(ren) around the use of digital devices. It starts at an early age. Are they allowed to use my phone to FaceTime with a relative, to watch a movie on Netflix, to play a game, to prevent a meltdown in public? We've all faced these difficult dilemmas and questions, and they do get more challenging as students grow older. When do I give my child(ren) a Smartphone? Whey do they start to use social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tic Toc)?

We've entered a new age and we, as parents, play an important role. In an article published by Mindshift, pediatrician Jenny Radesky, who sees patients at the University of Michigan and is one of the top researchers in the field of parents, children and new media, suggests the four roles a parent may play.

  1. Put your phone away whenever possible when you're with your kids.
  2. Stop using the phone as a pacifier — for you or your kid.
  3. Before you post a picture or share a cute story about your kids on social media, think twice and get their permission if possible.
  4. Don't use technology to stalk your children.

Read the article further to learn more about each suggestion provided, and as always, know we are here to support you and collaborate with one another.



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