5-Day Nutrition Tips While At Home

April 29, 2020

Sue Hurd, Sodexo dietician, has graciously provided five-day nutrition tips for our students and their families while they are attending school and working from home.

Day 1 - Eat Breakfast

Eat Breakfast to "break the fast" since we've gone without food overnight and because those who eat breakfast have better attention spans. This is key when working at home. A healthy breakfast includes a variety of foods and eaten within the first few hours of waking. Try oatmeal with almonds or walnuts, berries, and low-fat milk or eggs, whole grain toast, and fresh fruit.

Day 2 - Add Snacks

Add snacks of whole foods to get nutrition your body needs to combat those low blood sugar blues. Mix fruit, nuts and seeds for a homemade trail mix, or try hummus with veggies. Plant foods provide anti-inflammatory nutrients which may benefit your brain, immune system and are loaded with complex carbs, healthy fats & protein to keep you full and energized.

Day 3 - Eat a Fruit AND a Vegetable 

Eat a Fruit AND Vegetable today for added color, variety & nutrition. Fruits and veggies provide fiber, antioxidants and keep your body moving smoothly on the inside. We need five total a day. Many don't get close to that. Add cut up green beans to canned soup or add fruit to your salad.

Day 4 - Cut Back on Added Sugar

Cut back on added sugar even though that chocolate bar is so delicious mid-afternoon. Too much added simple sugar, especially those in candy, soda, and desserts provide little to no nutritive benefit. Instead, pair a small piece of chocolate with some berries for a satisfying and sweet treat!

Day 5 - Watch the Sodium

Watch the Sodium in your take-out. We order take-out these days simply because it's a change-of-pace. It's also tempting to order foods that aren't the best for us during stressful times. Take-out can be loaded with sodium that might not be good for the heart. Switch out fries for a salad and use a homemade dressing to cut back on sodium in your next take-out meal.

The photo above is owned by Trainer Academy. 


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