Second Grade Welcomes Spring with Setsubun

February 10, 2022

Recently our second-grade students started their unit on Japanese art and culture by celebrating Setsubun, a Japanese holiday that commemorates the coming of spring.

IMG_5371-1During Setsubun, family members cast evil spirits out of their homes by throwing handfuls of beans into each room and at each other while wearing masks that represent something that they would like to improve about themselves. After the house is free from evil, good luck is invited in. Our second-graders created evil spirit masks with something they should improve about themselves written on the back. On Setsubun (and again a week later due to weather) we went outside and cast out bad spirits by throwing birdseed while declaring "Oni wa soto" (Bad spirits get out).


Afterward, students enjoyed a Japanese snack while enjoying a classic Setsubun cartoon. This was an exciting way to welcome both the coming of spring and the start of our studies in Japan!



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