Students Team Up Across Campuses for EMB Mini

April 21, 2023

Over a four week time period, Upper School students in Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMB Mini), led by Rayna Malhotra '24 and Michael Alchaer '23, participated in EMB mini.

In EMB mini the students dedicated time to visit the Downtown Campus Lower School and volunteered helping the students learn about this subject, perform experiments, and get hands-on experience. They worked with fourth and fifth-grade students after school once a week. The Lower School students learned the procedure scientists use when executing experiments. They also acquired the knowledge of following directions and never giving up when they don’t achieve their goals at first.


Some of the experiments the Lower School students performed with help from the Upper School students is the egg drop, boat design, building bridges, and simulating using medical devices to unclog arteries. It was fun for the younger and older students to come together and form connections. Though there is an age gap, friendships were formed, we had a lot of fun working together. Merle-Smith Campus students loved mentoring the Downtown Campus children.


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