Class of 2027 Holds Mock Climate Summit
On Thursday, May 10, Moravian Academy’s freshman class engaged in a simulated climate summit as a culminating project in the World History I Sustainability Unit. Their one goal: to prevent the global temperature increase from surpassing 2° Celsius!
Fourth Graders Bring Food Trucks to Life: An Interdisciplinary Unit
On Friday, April 26, 2024, the fourth graders presented their food truck businesses to a room filled with students, teachers, administrators, and families who were eager to see their months of hard work pay off!
The Significance of Art in French History: Students Visit The Met
April 25, 2024
In preparation for their field trip to the The Metropolitan Museum of Art, students learned about a few specific French paintings and were able to talk about them in both English and French.


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Botany Class Makes Essential Oils and Herbal Infusions

November 10, 2022

This week, Botany class is exploring the many ways in which we can extract and use parts of plants.

Fifth Grade Serves Cereal Book Reports

November 10, 2022

Have you ever read the back of the cereal box while eating your breakfast? Well, fifth grade has been busy designing their own cereal boxes.

Students Attend the Dodge Poetry Festival

October 28, 2022

Last Friday, Upper Schoolers from all four grades journeyed east to the Dodge Poetry Festival. The bus ride to the four-day event, held biennially in Newark, New Jersey was quite a trek; one well worth the effort.