Virtual Learning Plan for Weather Closures: Historic Downtown 2023-24
November 29, 2023
Moravian Academy always prioritizes being in school. That said, we know that students anticipate snow days with great excitement.
Virtual Learning Plan for Weather Closures: Swain Campus 2023-24
November 29, 2023
Moravian Academy always prioritizes being in school. That said, we know that students anticipate snow days with great excitement.
Telling Stories Together: Seniors and Kindergarten
Conducted all on Zoom, our collaborative Story project will gather Story students and Downstairs Kindergarteners, and we will work together to create a story.


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Inspiration4 Leader and MA Dad, Jared Isaacman, Talks Outer Space

April 09, 2021

Mr. Jared Isaacman wears many hats. He's the founder and CEO of Shift4 Payments, a visionary philanthropist, a seasoned pilot, a soon-to-be space explorer, and a dad to Moravian Academy students Liv '34 and Mila '32. On April 6, 2021, he visited Moravian Academy and presented assemblies for our curious students about Inspiration4, the first all-civilian space mission that he is leading.

Virtual All-School Global Language Chapel

March 25, 2021

There’s a story in the Bible where the Apostle Peter is speaking to the members of the early church and a miracle happens; the Holy Spirit descends upon the room in wind and fire and suddenly everyone in the room can speak and listen in one another’s languages. Christians still celebrate this day as Pentecost, or the birthday of the church.

Fifth Grade Shares Expertise with Book Buddies

In Fifth Grade, students were hard at work writing informational books about their areas of expertise the last month. They created a table of contents, chapters and a glossary. Many of the students drew pictures to add to their information books.