A Nature Walk for Native American Studies

October 28, 2021

Students in third grade have been busy learning about Native Americans! We are focusing on the Algonquin and Iroquois people who once lived in the Pennsylvania area.

As part of our unit of study, we will be visiting the Museum of Indian Culture to participate in a Woodland Life Skills Program. Additionally, students will conduct further research on one of the groups and will use items found in nature to construct 3D displays of where and how they lived.

IMG_0019Recently, Mrs. Andreychak's class had a chance to take a walk around God's Acre to collect items such as sticks, leaves, and acorns, for these 3D displays. While out in God's Acre, students decided that it would also be a great opportunity to help clean up our campus by collecting any litter that we saw. By the end of our nature walk we had an entire shopping bag full of litter, and each student was excited to take home the natural items that they found for their projects!


What we're curious about



