Valentine's Day Celebration Reminders

January 29, 2021

Our school celebrates Valentine's Day annually. Because the holiday falls on a Sunday this year, we will celebrate on Friday, February 12, except for the Primer class who will celebrate on Wednesday, February 10.

To celebrate safely, it is important to follow our health and safety protocols as always, but with further guidelines in place for this year, including the following: 

PreK - Fifth Grade

  • Students should bring in their valentines by Tuesday, February 9. The valentines will be kept in a space in the classroom until Friday, February 12. These valentines must be non-edible.

  • On Friday, the students will wear gloves and distribute their valentines to the box or bag that each student has made to hold valentines. Students will then be able to open the valentines at the class party.

  • Teachers will communicate with their grade parents regarding treats for the class party. As a reminder, any treat must come in an individually pre-packaged container from a store.

  • We also remind our students that it is important to include everyone in the class. Our virtual students may drop off their valentines in the Main Office, and we will see that they are delivered to the correct classroom. We will collect the valentines for our virtual friends and will have them ready to be picked up by a family member on Thursday afternoon, February 11, or Friday morning, February 12. That way, they can open their valentines with their class as they join the class party virtually.

Sixth - Eighth Grade
You will receive information from your grade-level deans regarding plans for the Valentine’s Day celebration.


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