Student-Created Menus Showcase Language Acquisition

April 28, 2020

As part of the eighth-grade Chinese curriculum, students recently completed a "Cafe Shop" project.

The project required that each student design a menu, which they later would share with their classmates via our Zoom class meeting. The menus had to include a business/restaurant/cafe name, a unique logo, and vocabulary from our current unit on food and drinks.

Students presented their menus to the class via role-play style, where one person portrayed a waiter/waitress and two others from the class portrayed customers ordering from the menu. Students spoke in Chinese throughout the simulation of a cafe or restaurant experience, applying the words learned in class (seen in the slides).

The assignment required students to apply their learning, use the target language, and be creative.

View a sampling of the student menus:

Menu 2 Menu3


0001 (5)


Jack-Chinese Menu-page-001


Mathew Menu-page-001



Krish s Cafe Menu-page-001






What we're curious about



