Lower School Virtual Bingo Fun

April 29, 2020

Thank you to everyone who took part in our first-ever virtual bingo edition of our Family Fun Night program.

Family Fun Weekend BINGO Board-page-001Over the weekend, each of our participating families were tasked with completing the bingo board seen on the right. Boxes on the board included eat pizza, take a family photo, color a picture, make your bed, and more. Families then submitted their boards along with accompanying photos to be entered into a raffle to tell the joke of the day.

After receiving such great photos from our students, we made the decision to reward all six families who played. The following students will be reading the joke for the day in the near future:

Addison J. '29

Sophie R. '29

Ella R. '30

Lily R. '27

Arline S. '29

Olivia S. '27

Thank you to the Parents' Association for working with us on this event! We hope to do more activities like this in the future. Enjoy the fun photos submitted by students and their families below:

Family Fun Bingo


What we're curious about



