Kindergarten Celebrates 100 Days of School 2022

Wednesday, March 16, marked the 100th day of school for kindergarteners on the Downtown Campus.

In Spanish Immersion Program Kindergarten...

SIP K 100 Days 2-1For SIP kindergarten, this is not only 100 days in school but 100 days of speaking Spanish! Most of these students had never spoken another language before, so they are SUPERHEROES for accomplishing the work of kindergarten on top of acquiring a new language. I am so proud of them, and their parents also are the best.  — Sra. Damaris Torres



In Downstairs Kindergarten... 

SIP K 100 Days 2-2We hunted for 100 Hershey kisses around the classroom. Then we had to figure out what would be a fair share! Of course we estimated first! The answer was 5!

Each learner also brought in 100 items. We laid them out in one giant line, estimated, and counted how many kindergarteners long it was (about 19)!  We also measured our line to discover it was 973 inches long!  — Ms. Amy Bowser '87

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What we're curious about



