Lower School Celebration of the Arts & Sciences
Thank you to all who came out to support our Lower School Celebration of the Arts and Sciences on Tuesday, May 7th! Our students’ artistic abilities, science explorations, and musical talents shined during this wonderful event.

Student artwork – created using a wide variety of mediums – was beautifully displayed throughout the Alumni Gym thanks to Mr. Brian Elstein and parent volunteers! From self-portraits to clay figurines to stop animation films, the space offered visitors a ton to see and awe over.
As parents circulated the gym, string entertainment provided by our students helped to set the mood. Thank you to Mrs. Wetzel & Mrs. Morrison for conducting these talented students!
In the CE Auditorium, tri-fold posters displaying student science projects lined the room. The projects, which focused around various materials (rubber bands, plastic bags, eggs, paper, etc.), allowed students to pursue their curiosity in the form of a wide range of experiments under the guidance of Mr. Brad Pomeroy. It was very impressive to see what questions and experiments students explored using the scientific method!

At the conclusion of the evening, families gathered in the Central Moravian Church to listen to our Lower School Choral ensembles under the direction of Mr. Ben Wallace. Watch the video of the 2019 Lower School Spring Choral Concert below. The password to view the video is ‘sing.’