Making Calculations for Walp’s Wonderous Ice Cream

March 18, 2022

Eighth-grade math students use their knowledge of mixture problems to calculate the amount of butterfat in their homemade ice cream. 

IMG_3628Can you help the experts by correctly finding the amount of butterfat in the new ice cream?

At Walp’s Wonderous Ice Cream factory on the estate of Count Von Zinzendorf, they are making labels for their new brand of ice cream, Turcotte’s Terrific Vanilla. The recipe for this delicious ice cream was created by Mrs. Alison Overdorf. Rumor has it that she stole it from her aging Dear Aunt Sally.


It is made by mixing 3 cups of heavy whipping cream that is 36% butterfat, 2 cups of milk that is 1% butterfat, 1 cup sugar, and ¼ cup of vanilla.


In order to correctly label the ice cream a team of expert eighth- grade math students was contacted to complete the calculations. Can you help these experts by correctly finding the amount of butterfat in the new ice cream?


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