Promoting Healthy Relationships

March 01, 2024

Students enrolled at Moravian Academy experience human growth and development and sexual education curriculum throughout middle school and in 10th grade health classes.

To supplement and extend this education during our students’ critical high school years, we are offering grade-based sexuality education workshops on the Merle-Smith Campus this spring. We have partnered with nationally acclaimed sexuality educators Lindsay Fram and Marshall Miller to present workshops tailored to the needs of Moravian Academy students. 

The American Academy of Pediatrics supports comprehensive sex education, where “all adolescents have access to developmentally appropriate, evidence-based education that provides the knowledge they need to; develop a safe and positive view of sexuality, build healthy relationships, and make informed, safe, positive choices about their sexuality and sexual health.” Aligned with the AAP, we seek to promote healthy relationships and encourage families to have conversations with their students about their values in addition to the education received at school. 

Jennifer TumSuden, Dean of Students, will host an information session at the Family Association Meeting in person in the Snyder Hall Conference room and on Zoom at 8:15 AM on Thursday, March 7, for parents interested in learning more about the workshops. Feel free to reach out to directly with any questions. 

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Student Workshop Dates & Themes

On March 26 & April 18, the 12th grade will participate in a two-part seminar on sexual citizenship. The goal of this program is to ensure seniors have the tools they need to navigate the freedom and responsibility that lie ahead. 

On March 26, the 11th grade will participate in the Bill of Sexual Rights workshop, which provides a foundation for healthy relationships and sexual decision making using a framework of rights and responsibilities. 

On April 18, the 10th grade will expand on the content of their human sexuality unit and deeply explore the attributes of healthy and unhealthy relationships. On April 18, the 9th grade will participate in a workshop designed to “level up” the sex education some students received in middle school (and that some did not). Covering the sexuality basics, the Level Up workshop includes topics relevant for interacting with peers now and sets a foundation for future education. 


About the Educators

Lindsay Fram and Marshall Miller have been presenting sex education programs independently and together for 20 years. They’ve presented over 1,000 sex education programs around the world to a diverse group of audiences including high schools, colleges, religious groups, summer camps, medical providers, and parent groups. They’ve written sexuality education curricula, published journal articles, and have appeared in national media. 

Lindsay Fram has a Master of Public Health from Tulane University, and spent two years in the Peace Corps in Guatemala, launching a HIV prevention initiative that trained hundreds of teachers across the country. She is co-author of a middle school sexuality education curriculum for a New York City based non-profit called Above the Waist: Sexuality Education Beginning with the Brain.

Prior to speaking at high schools and colleges full-time, Marshall Miller was the Prevention Education Programs Manager at Fenway Community Health in Boston. He provided multi-session counseling with at-risk clients and trained and led a team of fifty educators to conduct outreach and education about safer sex, STIs, and sexuality. Mr. Miller is also a trainer and curriculum author for the Unitarian Universalist and United Church of Christ Our Whole Lives sexuality education program.


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