Students Cook Pommes Frites with Herbs Grown in Community Garden

October 07, 2022

Last year, the Advanced French class decided to plant a plot in the garden that they would harvest this fall when they would be in AP French.

IMG_3990We planted a variety of things, mostly potatoes and herbs. On Monday, October 3, Ben Leffler, Director of Dining Services, taught us how to make pommes frites, and we used our herbs as seasoning. In my opinion, the thyme was especially tasty!

IMG_4231The cooking demonstration comes as part of a larger effort to involve students and faculty with the community garden on the Merle-Smith Campus. Leffler generously offered to host a cooking demo for any class, club, or grade that adopted a garden bed over the summer. 

"Ms. Sanborn and I worked together over popular French items and settled on pomme frites. I was excited to host the students and was very pleased with the participation of the students willing to learnIMG_4240 about food, food safety and knife skills. Some of the students stayed an extra hour to continue cooking and eating fries of course!" said Leffler.

The demo and food received rave reviews ("so good!") from students, who were impressed with how easy it is to make fries. 


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