Mission in Action: Leading with Integrity
February 09, 2024
When we call students to lead with integrity at Moravian Academy, we are asking them to think deeply, connect with one another, consider their impact, and create a wholeness of spirit that transcends the individual to build a culture of belonging on campus. One way that students fulfill the part of our mission is by taking an active role in planning and leading our weekly chapel experience.
Ninth Grade Embarks on Annual Tour of Lehigh Valley Worship Spaces
December 10, 2023
The ninth grade embarked on a journey to visit three religious worship spaces on Friday, December 1.
The Season of Light at Moravian Academy
December 08, 2023
This week, a joyful array of inflatables began a happy holiday parade across the green on the Merle-Smith Campus. Thank you to the Family Association for helping us to celebrate all the ways we holiday!


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Virtual All-School Global Language Chapel

March 25, 2021

There’s a story in the Bible where the Apostle Peter is speaking to the members of the early church and a miracle happens; the Holy Spirit descends upon the room in wind and fire and suddenly everyone in the room can speak and listen in one another’s languages. Christians still celebrate this day as Pentecost, or the birthday of the church.

For Such a Time as This

February 26, 2021

In Jewish tradition, this week marks the celebration of Purim, a festive holiday in honor of Hadassah, the Jewish girl who becomes the Queen of Persia and saves her people from destruction.

Creating Connection & Building Community Through Chapel

January 11, 2021

“Take into your hands, Oh God, this school and each member of it.” This line from the Moravian Academy School Prayer is always meaningful, but seems especially poignant in our current season.