Director of Communications & Marketing to Present at All-School Family Association Meeting
January 05, 2024
Join us for our upcoming Family Association meeting, where we'll delve into the heart of what makes our community extraordinary. It's taking place on Thursday, January 11, at 8:15 AM via Zoom.
Elyse McGovern Appointed Director of Enrollment Management
December 19, 2023
I am thrilled to announce the appointment of Ms. Elyse McGovern, M.Ed., as the new Director of Enrollment Management at Moravian Academy. Elyse will officially join our team on February 5, 2024.
Unveiling Moravian Academy’s Core Values and Portrait of a Graduate
December 06, 2023
A school, in fact any organization, is stronger when the community is aligned behind the values that it espouses. It is even more powerful when there is agreement behind the goals we have for our students.


What we're curious about


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Strategic Initiatives: New For 2019-20

August 19, 2019

Dear Moravian Academy Students, Families, Faculty, and Staff,

FIRE Squeezes the Day

May 23, 2019

The Class of 2022 passed another milestone on Tuesday, May 21, with the inaugural FIRE History Sustainability Projects Exhibit, held in Walter Hall Gym. A special visit from their 8th-grade cohorts made the event all the more special as students engaged in sophisticated discussions and offered valuable feedback for the entire community to consider. To borrow from one group’s project about the sustainability of lemonade businesses: the students really squeezed the day!

Guess Which School Is Leading The Nation in Academic Engagement?

January 11, 2019

Since we started talking this fall about the culture of curiosity, I’ve been hearing from many people, both inside and outside our community, about our strategic vision to grow and enrich the school experience for students. The overwhelming response has been along the lines of “It is so exciting to hear that Moravian is teaching students ways to prepare for and thrive in life.” The next most common response has been, “So what does that actually look like?” or, “So how will you know if we’re seeing growth?”