Japan Night: A Celebration of Japanese Music, Art, Stories, & Culture
June 04, 2024
When you strolled through the CE Auditorium, you would have thought you were in Japan!
Fourth Graders Bring Food Trucks to Life: An Interdisciplinary Unit
On Friday, April 26, 2024, the fourth graders presented their food truck businesses to a room filled with students, teachers, administrators, and families who were eager to see their months of hard work pay off!
World History II Unpacks Imperialism through Political Cartoons and Poetry
After analyzing several sets of political cartoons to learn about critiques of European imperialism, tenth graders in Mr. Sanville’s World History II class created their own political cartoons to demonstrate their understanding of European imperialism in a region of their choice.


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Spanish Students Shine Light on Influential Women

April 16, 2021

During International Women's Month, Spanish students at the Upper School highlighted the impact of women -- primarily Latinas and African-American women -- in comprehensive video presentations.

La Seconde Guerre Mondiale avec Lore Prag

March 19, 2021

This semester in the Chanson francophone topics course, Advanced French students are discovering and decoding a variety of French music in order to delve into a variety of topics, including language and identity, history, the environment and Black Lives Matter.

Eighth Grade Brings Paris to Life

February 05, 2021

Here are some pictures from our Eighth Grade French students who "travelled" to Paris this past week. Some sent in pictures from their Parisian apartment, some visited some famous landmarks, and others did some typical Parisian activities.