Japan Night: A Celebration of Japanese Music, Art, Stories, & Culture
June 04, 2024
When you strolled through the CE Auditorium, you would have thought you were in Japan!
Fourth Graders Bring Food Trucks to Life: An Interdisciplinary Unit
On Friday, April 26, 2024, the fourth graders presented their food truck businesses to a room filled with students, teachers, administrators, and families who were eager to see their months of hard work pay off!
World History II Unpacks Imperialism through Political Cartoons and Poetry
After analyzing several sets of political cartoons to learn about critiques of European imperialism, tenth graders in Mr. Sanville’s World History II class created their own political cartoons to demonstrate their understanding of European imperialism in a region of their choice.


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Soirée de la Francophonie

February 06, 2020

This past Friday, January 31, the Upper School held our first annual Soirée de la Francophonie!

Experience Puerto Rico

January 17, 2020

Last year, we announced an exciting opportunity to travel on a cultural trip to Puerto Rico. Despite the recent earthquakes, our tour company assures us that all venues on our itinerary remain safe and open.

Students in "Latinos in the Lehigh Valley" Course Visit PBS39 Studio

December 12, 2019

Earlier this year, Genesis Ortega, the producer and host of PBS39's Spanish-speaking news show, "Es Tiempo Lehigh Valley," was a guest at Moravian Academy, visiting students in my Advanced Spanish: "Latinos in the Lehigh Valley" course.