Spanish I Pen Pals Write to Historic Downtown Campus SIP Kindergarten
September 15, 2023
Learning a second (or third) language should be a meaningful and intentional experience!
The Music, Food, and Culture of Puerto Rico with Basilio Huertas Senior Center
May 24, 2023
As the fifth grade Spanish Humanities students wrapped up their studies about Puerto Rico, they were paid a visit by some special guests.
Special Guest Shares Cuban-American Experience with PSI Humanities
January 13, 2023
This week, fifth-grade Spanish humanities students were visited by Yeni Arguello to learn about Yeni's experience coming to the U.S. from Cuba when she was eight years old.


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Going to la Granja in Jardín de Infancia

This week we went to la granja in Jardín de Infancia. While we couldn't visit the farm in person, we brought it to our classroom.

Banana Factory Resident Artist Gives Dual-Language Presentations

May 07, 2021

On Friday our students in first through fifth grade were inspired by surrealist artist, Monica Salazar who is currently in residency at the Banana Factory. Monica shared about her amazing artwork and answer student questions during two afternoon sessions. One was held in Spanish for our SIP students and the other in English.

Post SIP Fifth Grade Gets the Inside Scoop from News Anchor Ian Bush

April 30, 2021

Post SIP 5th grade has been hard at work on their Hora del Genio projects. Students have time set aside in class to explore what they are passionate about. La Hora del Genio sparks curiosity, and students have an opportunity to become their own genius all while being engaged in, refining, and enhancing their Spanish language skills.